The tongue is a muscular hydrostat .The tongue is used to manipulate food for the mastication.more probably the only thing were we can taste the food items is by the tongue.The tongue surface is covered by the taste buds and the papillae.The tongue is used to be kept moist by the saliva and the tongue is richly supplied with nerves and the blood vessels.The musle in the tongue are classified in to two types as follows one is the extrinsic muscles and another is intrinsic muscles .The extrinsic muscles are also classified in to following genioglossus,hyoglossus,styloglossus,palatoglossus.The intrinsic muscles are also classified in to following superior longitudinal,inferior longitudinal,verticalis,transversus.
1.The tongue is used to clean the teeth by the natural means.
2.The tongue also consist nerves.

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